Is a Strict Organizational Context Able to Inhibit Insurance Intermediaries’ Machiavellian Behaviors?

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Having as starting point Trevino’s “Person-Situation interactionist model of ethical decision-making in organizations”, Dr. Alin T. Băiescu, EMBA developed a new framework, adapted to the Romanian insurance market, in order to investigate the factors that affect the ethical decision-making process of insurance intermediaries operating in the brokerage, respectively bancassurance distribution.

The main audience of this paper is made of students attending master and doctoral studies in the fields of economics & business, as the manner in which this academic demarche is presented is following the rigorous requirements of such a research. Secondly, the book is addressed to the Romanian insurance market decision-makers, in order for them to clearly understand what factors, if managed appropriately, could improve the level of ethics of insurance intermediaries.

The findings of this research revealed that, within the Romanian brokerage distribution, the frequency of unethical decision-making situations in which insurance intermediaries are involved is higher compared with the bancassurance distribution.

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ISBN: 978-606-37-0846-6