Shaping the Future * a manifesto of the Romanian future business artisans *

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Authors: BĂBUȚ Teodor, BIZUBAC Dan, CERNEA Ovidiu, FLORIAN-UDVARI Antal-Arpad, FRÎNCU Raluca, MOLDOVAN Marius Cornel, POP Victor Liviu, POPÎRTAC Florina, SĂMĂRGHIȚAN Florian, SECARĂ Daniela, SOUCA Gabriel, ȘUPEALĂ Doru, TÂRNOVAN Mirela, TOTOLICI Olguța‐Dana, VELICU Cristinela, VESCAN Cătălina

Editor: OLTEAN Ovidiu

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The current volume offers an insightful perspective into the transformation of the Romanian business environment, pinpointing towards the emergence of a new generation of business leaders able to drive change in their organization and explore new possibilities and marketplaces. In fact, all the authors are Executive MBA graduates of the University of Hull (UK), enrolled on the Romanian site, from 2017 to 2020, and all the papers included in this book represent top dissertations, quoted with “Distinction”.

This collection of case studies largely focusing on business operating in Romania and on the Romanian economic environment outlines not only the penetration of new business trends and the adoption of new processes and management procedures but also the growth and transformation of the Romanian business community. The reader will be able to understand not only the transformation taking place across small, medium, and large size companies operating in Romania, but also how managers and business leaders understand these transformations, how they approach new practices, how they address gender inequality and other stringent issues that hamper the development of sustainable business models and how they make sense of a fast changing world where old models are disrupted and new business architectures and ideas emerge. By reading these papers the reader will have access not only to fresh new data, ethnographic views on Romanian and multinational companies, but also to the people driving and sustaining these changes. The chapters in this book describe and analyze not only companies and various processes and transformations but are also giving a voice to the people that are writing these stories and drawing these roadmaps. Behind research designs, theories, data, and analysis we see the artisans of these processes. We see their views, assumptions, hopes and doubts about the current economic and growth model. We see what kind of change they would like to produce and how they envision they ideal workplace or working team. We see how they struggle day to day in their companies to produce better organizations with better people that can make a difference for the world and for their customers. In this sense, these papers and this volume represent a novel and unexpected piece of work for the Romanian context.

The volume explores these transformations across several business domains and organizational dimensions. These dimensions shaped the current structure of the book – which is organized around four main sections: 1. Strategy and Change; 2. People and Organizations; 3. Technology and Entrepreneurship; and 4. Innovation and Ethnics.

ISBN: 978-606-37-1030-8

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